people like jaguaro need o get their mind right, because people who make "black" music generally appreciate and embrace "white" and classical music. true artists appreciate all art. people who make "white" music often listen to "black" music because all music improves when the influences are broadened.
maybe if people took the time to get to know something before they criticized it, they would look less foolish. the majority of rap and hip-hop is NOT disrespectful to women and is NOT about bragging about cars. the majority of it talks about life and a good amount talks about love.
classical music and "black" music are just as real as one another, they just can't be compared because they are so vastly different. much classical music cannot be danced to due to fluctuating rhythms and tempos whereas much hiphop can be danced to, or at least one can move to it in some way or another, because of more structured rhythms. in this way, "black" music is similar to many older disciplines of music related to classical in its rigidty along those lines: you need a good rhythm and tempo to have a good song.
a lot of "black" music may be made with synthetic sounds, but it takes practice and skill to produce songs that sound good. the best rappers have a "flow" that is unique to his or herself and they can say what they need to say in set rhyme patterns and with metaphoric, like the best poets.
before people continue criticizing rap, i say they listen to some and try to duplicate it on any level. creative lyrics, whether they be about one's life or neighborhood or car or girl, are not easily made and require effort and revision. i'd like to see the people that bash "black" music try to make it... or at least try to understand it before they go trying to hate it.